KBR's (NYSE: KBR) appeal in the Fisher convoy case was granted by a unanimous panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The court ruled that the state tort claims of the Plaintiffs in the Fisher convoy case are barred by the exclusive workers compensation remedy provisions of the federal Defense Base Act (DBA).

It is KBR's position that this opinion should finally put to rest the long-running legal dispute in this litigation over the applicability of the Defense Base Act when contractor personnel are injured by enemy insurgents while providing overseas logistical support to U.S. combat troops.

"KBR is pleased with the well-written and concise opinion," said Andrew Farley, KBR Executive Vice President & General Counsel. "The Court articulated a test that will allow other courts to apply the coverage of the DBA consistently and efficiently."

While KBR's legal position has been vindicated, our thoughts and prayers are still with the families of those whose loved ones were injured and killed. The majority of the plaintiffs have applied for and are receiving benefits under the Defense Base Act workers compensation program, as Congress intended.

KBR is a global engineering, construction and services company supporting the energy, hydrocarbon, government services, minerals, civil infrastructure, power, industrial, and commercial markets. For more information, visit www.kbr.com.

Sharon Bolen, 713-753-7615
Director, Administration
Rob Kukla, Jr., 713-753-5082
Director, Investor Relations