30 days from today, EU-based financial institutions such as pension funds, insurers, banks and mutual funds dealing in derivatives will be required by law to report derivative transactions to one of the six officially authorised Trade Repositories. This reporting obligation under EMIR is set to place mounting administrative pressure on all such market players. The important question is: are you prepared for the all-important date of 12th February 2014?

This derivative reporting obligation owes itself to the implementation of the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) across the European Union. Through EMIR, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) aims to bring transparency and control over the inherent risks present in the derivatives market.

From 12th February 2014, derivative positions will be mandatorily reported to one of the six authorised central Trade Repositories on a daily basis, putting enormous strain on many firms' resources. KAS BANK has been supporting its clients in adherence to new rules with a comprehensive and fully-compliant reporting offering, allowing firms to focus on their core business. This includes managing the installation of seamless connection to an official Trade Repository and ensuring timely and complete EMIR compliance, both now and in the future.

In order to help you make a well-considered choice between assembling the necessary infrastructure in-house and outsourcing your daily reporting obligations, KAS BANK is happy to provide an overview of the most important costs and daily activities required by EMIR and what the bank can do to help your firm remain EMIR-compliant.

More information
Please feel free to contact one of the following persons to answer any questions you may have regarding EMIR and KAS BANK's offering::

Brendon Bambury
T: 020 7153 3652
Carl Giannotta
T: 020 7153 3619
Edgar Kooter
T: +31 20 - 557 5161

Or read more on our EMIR page.

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