CNPF/MF 08.294.224/0001-65

Publicly Traded Company


JHSF Participações S.A. ("JHSF" or the "Company"), in compliance with the provisions of Article 157 of Law no. 6404, dated December 15, 1976 ("Law no. 6404/76") and of CVM Instruction no. 358, dated January 3, 2002 ("CVM Instruction no. 358/02") communicates its shareholders and investors the following:
Today the Company received a letter from Fundação Conrado Wessel (the "Foundation"), attesting the approval by the Board of Trustees, of the sale to JHSF Shoppings Ltda., a subsidiary of the Company, of the full equity interest the Foundation owns in the real estate project called Pátio Higienópolis shopping mall, located in the district of Higienópolis, city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo. Such equity interest consist of the following: (a) seventeen percent (17%) of what is called Shopping I and, (b) twenty one point three seven five percent (21,375%) of what is called Shopping II (expansion) (the "Transaction"). The aforementioned approval is one of the prior conditions for binding the Foundation to the Transaction with JHSF, as stated in contract.
The amount payable by JHSF Shoppings Ltda. for the Transaction, pending certain requirements usual in transactions of this type, including due diligence and corporate and government approvals among others, is three hundred and fifty million reais (R$350,000,000), of which one hundred and fifty million (R$150,000,000) is payable in cash on the Transaction closing date and the balance will be settled by exchange of assets.
JHSF will keep its shareholders and the market in general informed on any developments regarding this matter.

Sao Paulo, October 14th 2013.
Eduardo S. Camara
Vice President and Investor Relations Officer

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