Jaxon Mining Inc. announced it has directly acquired or optioned nine new mineral claims to extend its Hazelton property in the Skeena Arch to approximately 463 km2. The new claims, 1072506, 1064626, 1073962, 1073724, 1073617, 1073617, 1073727, 1073728 and 1073729, spanning approximately 40.75 km2, have been consolidated with the Company's existing land holdings. The Company has identified three areas of geologic interest, in addition to the area encompassing the Red Springs porphyry system. The Company's project, the Red Springs copper porphyry and gold-bearing tourmaline breccia project. With 15 claims, Red Springs spans approximately 248.1 km2 and involves a large porphyry system containing three Cu porphyry targets, one > 1 km2 high grade Au-bearing tourmaline breccia zone/pipe with Co, Cu and Bi credits and two high grade polymetallic sulfide vein type mineralization. For more information on the Red Springs Project. The Blunt Mountain polymetallic project, 12 claims, spans approximately 70.62 km2. Blunt Mountain is documented as a silver-lead-zinc vein or fracture-controlled mineralization hosted in Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Bowser Lake Group rocks. The clastic sediments of the Bowser Lake Group are intruded by a monzonitic to dioritic pluton of the Late Cretaceous Bulkley Intrusions. Well-developed northeast-trending sheeted joints which are mineralized by amphibole-quartz-magnetite-apatite-sulphide veins over a strike length of four kilometres and one kilometer wide, more than 12 showings have been discovered. Best chip sample results to date report 4.05 g/t Au over 1.2m from the Ridge Vein and 5.62 g/t Au over 1.6m from the Old Post Vein. Six diamond shallow drill holes (262 metres) were completed on the showings. Although core recovery was very poor, one hole yielded 2.4 g/t Au and 829 g/t Ag across 30 centimetres (Hole 86-1, Assessment Report 16273). A molybdenite occurrence is also reported near an unnamed creek below the western slopes of Blunt Mountain. The showing is hosted in quartz monzonite of the Late Cretaceous Bulkley Intrusions (Map 69-1). Max VMS project, 7 claims, spans 92.56 km2. The Max displays characteristics of the nearby Equity Silver Mine (once Canada's most profitable silver mine) including similar age rock, shallow marine setting and possible remobilization of precious metal rich mineralization. Polymetallic sulphides with variable presence of sulphosalts were found in rhyolite and tuffs, monzonite and in marine sediments such as argillite and arenite. Variable quantities of semi-massive to massive stratiform-bedding parallel sulphides, cross cutting veins and fractures have been found in all lithologies. It is a large multiple-phase overprinting of polymetallic sulphide-sulphosalt mineralization and long-lived shallow-marine volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) system in the portion of the volcanic-sedimentary Rocky Ridge sequence. More than 19 historical showings have been discovered in the Max project area. 11 discrete intervals of high-grade silver (over 100 g/t Ag) were intercepted in seven of the 12 holes drilled in 2017. These intercepts occur as antimony-rich silver sulphosalts in polymetallic veins, feeder breccias and stratiform beds, returning grades from 103 g/t to 1,206 g/t Ag, up to 11.1% Zn and up to 2.07 g/t Au. Netalzul Mountain Cu-Mo-W-Ag-Au polymetallic and porphyry project, 13 claims, spans 59.12 km2. A newly consolidated project area which includes five previously acquired or optioned claims, five newly optioned claims and three newly acquired claims. It is mainly comprised of the Daisy (093M 016) and Ellen (093M 123) occurrences. The Daisy occurrence is hosted in the contact area of a granodioritic to quartz monzonitic plug of the Late Cretaceous Bulkley Intrusions. Sample NATMR006 is described as occurring in a fracture-controlled shear zone in granodiorite with assay results greater than 1% Cu, greater than 1% Pb, greater than 100 g/t Ag and 2.26 g/t Au (Assessment Report 32043).