Itron, Inc. announced that it signed a contract to deploy Temetra, Itron's next generation meter data collection and management solution for the Electricity Supply Board's networks company(ESB Networks) to optimize operations and improve meter data management for Ireland's distribution network operator. ESB Networks will begin deploying Temetra in 2022 in conjunction with its Smart Metering Programme for the roll out of smart meters across Ireland as part of the National Climate Action Plan. With Temetra, the utility will be equipped to efficiently read 1.75 million meters across ESB Networks' service territory.

As ESB Networks focuses on creating a brighter future with clean, reliable and affordable electricity, Temetra provides a modern solution for the utility so it can gain better visibility into its distribution network and easily manage and collect reads from electrical meters via mobile devices. With safety, accuracy and efficiency at the forefront of Temetra, ESB Networks will be able to monitor the status of both meters and the data that the meter readers collect. This allows ESB Networks to work more efficiently by utilizing Temetra Geo-Routing to quickly assign or reassign work based on meter and meter reading location.