TURIN (Reuters) - Gas storages in Italy are currently at unprecedented levels, and it will be easier to fill them in the fall than in 2022, when there was a sharp increase in the cost of the raw material due to the war in Ukraine and the disappearance of supplies from Russia.

"The level where the stockpiles are today we have never recorded in our history and filling them will be easier than in 2022," Gallo said.

The manager went on to point out that from an analysis done by the gas distribution company, it was not so much the mild weather, which certainly contributed, that kept consumption down in the winter just past, but "the government's action with the reduction of heating hours and, above all, the attitude of savings of citizens."

"The bulk of the savings, about 70 percent, came propriooda these measures put in place by the government that were well received and adopted. And this was a bit of a surprise. The mild weather contributed, but it was not as significant as we all expected," he concluded.

(Giancarlo Navach, editing Stefano Bernabei)