This is an English convenience translation of the original Hebrew version. In case of any
discrepancy, the binding version is the Hebrew original

Israel Corporation Ltd.

Registrar Number: 520028010

Securities of the Corporation are listed in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

Sort name: Israel Corporation

Address: P.O.B. 20456, Tel Aviv 61204

Tel: 03-6844517, 6844500, Fax: 03-6844587


Form 049 Public

Date of Transmission: February 18, 2014

Reference: 2014-01-041845


The Securities Authority


The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

Immediate report regarding the results of a general assembly to approve a transaction with a controlling shareholder and / or approval of a private placement and / or approval of dual position as Chairman and CEO and / or the appointment of an outside director.

1. At an assembly which was convened on February 17, 2014, and which notice of its summoning was published in a form referenced 2014-01-011476, and the subjects on its agenda were:

No. Transaction type/ Voting Subject Subject essence

1 Other Approval of the terms of office for directors

The following resolutions were adopted:


Transaction type/ Voting Subject: Other
Subject essence: Approval of the terms of office for directors
Summary of the proposed resolution: To approve that the directors appointed for an additional term of office shall be entitled to the terms set forth in Section 1.4 of the convening of the

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The general Assembly resolved: To approve.
Number of shares/ securities participating in the vote: 6,431,082
Number of shares/ securities that voted in favor: 6,135,319
Number of shares/ securities participating in the vote that are not classified as shares which their owners have a personal interest/ Shares that are not controlling shareholders or have a personal interest in the approval of the appointment, except for personal interest that does not derives from contacts with the controlling shareholder: 2,714,590 of which 2,436,174 voted in favor of the approval of the transaction and 278,416 voted against approval of the transaction.
Number of shares participating in the vote that were not classified as shares whose owners are controlling shareholders/ Shares with a personal interest in the decision: 2,714,590, of which voted for approval of the transaction: 2,436,174.
Number of shares/ securities that voted against: 278,416
Rate of votes in favor of the transaction out of total number of voters who doesn't have a personal interest in a transaction / not a controlling shareholder or with a personal interest in the approval, except for personal interest that does not derives from contacts with controlling shareholders: 89.74%
Rate of votes in favor of the transaction out of total number of voters that are not controlling shareholders Company / that do not have personal interest in the approval: 89.74%
Percentage of votes against, out of the total voting rights in the Company: 3.65%

2. Assembly resolutions on other matters on its agenda:

1. Discussion of the audited financial reports of the Company and the report of the Board of Directors on the state of the Company for the year ended in December 31, 2012.
2. To re-appoint Auditors Somekh Chaikin (KPMG), as the auditors of the Company and in accordance with the Company's Articles Certification the Board of Directors to determine their fees.

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3. To appoint for an additional term in office as directors of the Company, the following incumbent directors: (a) Ron Moskovitz, (b) Amnon Leon, (c) Ze'ev Nahari (d) Zahavit Cohen, (e) Yoav doppelt (vi) Aviad Kaufman; (M ) Eitan Raff (h) the Dan Ziskind, (i) Michael Bricker.

3. Details of voters in the Assembly that are institutional investors, principal shareholders or senior officers:

The attached file shall include, for each voter, the data required in this form
The name of the authorized signatory to the report and the name of the authorized electronic signatory: Maya Alcheh-Kaplan
Position: Vice President, General Counsel and Company Secretary
Date of signing: February 18, 2014

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