.Photos, .Photography and .Camera Are Popular New gTLDs

Easyspace, one of the UK's largest domain name providers and part of iomart Group, has reported a surge in interest for photography-related extensions among the new ICANN generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs).

Easyspace has created a new TLD registration website,  to allow customers to build up a virtual shopping basket of the new domain name extensions they are interested in.

The most popular group of new domains so far is extensions which reference the art of photography such as .photos, .photography and .camera as well as .gallery. These new gTLDs will ultimately sit alongside existing domains, such as .com.

Sarah Haran, Managing Director of Easyspace, said: "A photograph is one of the most powerful forms of communication in the digital age so if you are a photographer or you sell the technology they use it makes sense to identify yourself as closely with it as possible so you can stand out and share what you do with a wider audience on the internet."

It is free to register interest in one of the new gTLDs with Easyspace while they are in the initial Sunrise phase which allows trademark holders to protect their brands. The Sunrise phase for Dot Camera, Dot Photography and Dot Gallery ends on 31st January. They then move into Landrush on 5th February before becoming available to the general public in General Availability on 12th February.

With hundreds of new generic TLDs being made available over the next few months, the Easyspace website gives a breakdown of what the different launch periods mean. The website also allows customers to search for specific domain extensions that are yet to be released.

There is also a separate section for trademark holders about registering with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), which is a requirement for anyone wishing to register their new domain during Sunrise.

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