CNPJ/MF 61.156.113/0001-75
NIRE 35.300.014.022

Notice to the Market

Iochpe-Maxion S.A. informs that it has received a notification from the CREDIT SUISSE HEDGING-GRIFFO ASSET MANAGEMENT S.A., advising that:
(i) Portfolio managed by them has acquired Iochpe-Maxion S.A. common shares, reaching 4,865,839 shares that represents 5.13% of the common shares issued by the Company;
(ii) It is worth to mention that the operations above have the exclusive purpose of investment and not intend to change the Company's ownership or administrative structure.
São Paulo, January 06, 2014.
Oscar A. F. Becker
Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer
Luis Fernando C. de Abreu
Investor Relations Executive Officer

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