On September 16, 2019, Boon Sing Fang announced that on September 6, 2019, 3 directors of Invitrocue Limited released a notice of meeting, which contains a resolution to remove Boon Sing Fang as a director of the Company pursuant to section 249CA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Boon Sing Fang stated that he disagrees with and rejects the allegations made by the directors of the Company in their 249CA dated September 6, 2019. Boon Sing Fang added that in this rebuttal, he would address each of the 4 allegations made against him: (1) lack of strategic direction and decline in business, (2) lack of transparency and accountability to stakeholders and regulators, (3) unnecessary appointment of an additional director, and (4) insufficient observance of shareholders’ interests. Boon Sing Fang also urged the shareholders to endorse the Company’s proposal and reject the alternative proposal.