Inuvo, Inc. announced the launch of the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) version of the IntentKey. By packaging the proprietary Artificial Intelligence, Analytic Modeling, and Data Technologies of the IntentKey in this manner, Inuvo delivers a powerful digital advertising solution that clients can encircle with their own services. The IntentKey was initially launched as an end-to-end managed service. This was done purposefully to assure the best resources for executing on the insights of the IntentKey, Inuvo’s own people, would be in control of delivering results for clients. While this had the advantage of ensuring those results, which through 3 quarters of 2020 were roughly 50% higher than the key performance indicators (KPI) set by clients, it had the disadvantage of limiting the market reach of the technology. Conventional third-party data providers go through processes for creating and making available their information in ways that limit the number of data elements marketers can use to find audiences and inherently results in delays associated with actioning those audiences. Further, the traditional methods for finding these audiences remains prescriptive, which means marketers themselves, confined by the limitations of these data sources, are required to decide what their audiences should look like before their campaigns launch. Inuvo’s IntentKey AI was designed to eliminate these and other constraints associated with current best practices in digital marketing. The technology requires none of the traditional sources of information used to create current data products, has a technological design that allows audience information to be used within 5 minutes of its creation, and does not require a human to define audience segments, rather, the AI system finds and adapts the ideal audience on a continuous basis as the signals most predictive for responding change.