IGC Pharma, Inc. announced preclinical data demonstrating TGR-63?s potential as an effective treatment for Alzheimer?s disease. Analysis of the partition coefficient and mass spectrometry of brain tissue in Alzheimer?s murine models both indicate that TGR-63 has the potential to cross the blood-brain barrier in humans. These findings build on earlier results demonstrating TGR-63?s efficacy in reducing amyloid plaque in Alzheimer's mouse models.

Ensuring effective drug delivery to the brain is a major challenge in treating Alzheimer?s disease. The preclinical studies on TGR-63 included an analysis of the partition coefficient in an aoctanol-water assay the partition coefficient calculated as Log Poctanol/water, indicated that LogP=0.1, which suggests that TGR-63 possesses favorable properties for penetrating the blood-brain barrier, a critical step in accessing brain tissue. Additionally, mass spectrometry analysis of brain tissue samples from TGR-63-treated mice confirmed the presence of the compound in the brain, validating its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier in mice and potentially in humans.

Furthermore, the safety profile of TGR-63 was evaluated through extended studies in mice. Mice received daily doses of TGR-63 for eight months without exhibiting any adverse effects. Comprehensive examinations of major organs, including the liver, heart, spleen, and kidneys, revealed no signs of toxicity, inflammation, or cell death, indicating biocompatibility and safety.

IGC continues to progress TGR-63 towards clinical trials, representing a significant advancement in Alzheimer's treatment research.