Identiv, Inc. announced the launch of its uTrust TS Cards, a new high-frequency 13.56 MHz access card product line delivering increased security at a much lower cost with the excellent compatibility, service, and quality standards that have made Identiv’s card offerings so popular. Despite the security weaknesses of 125 kHz proximity card systems, adoption of more secure replacements has been hampered by the lack of alternatives that meet all of the customer requirements for such a solution — low cost, seamless support of existing systems, easy migration, simple ordering and enrollment of cards, and a high level of security certified by independent third-party organizations. The uTrust TS Card line meets all of these requirements and delivers high-assurance identity and access card authenticity to both newly deployed and existing physical access control systems. uTrust TS Cards are priced to be significantly less expensive than both proximity and smart card solutions from other vendors. Identiv is able to provide these substantial cost savings to customers by being the first to utilize the latest NXP MIFARE DESFire EV1 256B technology, specifically developed for physical access cards. To make ordering as simple as possible, uTrust TS Cards come in just two models: TS Standard Cards, for new installations, and TS Migration Cards, which include 125 kHz proximity technology that interoperates seamlessly with existing 125 kHz proximity readers. uTrust TS Cards further simplify the migration process by supporting the commonly used Wiegand card data formats used on proximity cards today. In addition to low cost and seamless compatibility with proximity systems, uTrust TS Cards feature very high security. The MIFARE DESFire EV1 platform used in the cards carries the Common Criteria EAL4+ certification, trusted by governments and organizations worldwide as the benchmark in external security validation. This recognizes the robust design and open specification of the platform, and contrasts sharply with alternative solutions that do not carry certifications, do not make their protocols available for review, and lock their customers into proprietary, unscalable security schemes. To simplify the enrollment process, Identiv also provides the uTrust TS Universal Enrollment Station, a USB-connected device that automates the process of reading card numbers and entering them into the physical access control system software. The uTrust TS Universal Enrollment Station is compatible with Identiv’s uTrust TS Reader Family. Identiv’s uTrust TS Card, and its linked uTrust TS Reader Family and uTrust TS Universal Enrollment Station, are available to order or evaluate on January 31, 2017.