An unknown buyer signed a contract to acquire Trust Beneficiary Interest in Nest Hotel Naha from Ichigo Hotel REIT Investment Corporation (TSE : 3463) for ¥5.3 billion on January 30, 2020. The consideration will be paid in lump-sum on closing date. Ichigo Hotel will retain the sale proceeds as cash-on-hand for future use, including asset acquisitions and value-add capex. The sale is forecast to generate gains on sale of approximately ¥1.26 billion in the January 2020 fiscal period. The transaction is expected to close on January 31, 2020. Daiwa Real Estate Appraisal Co., Ltd. acted as the appraiser. An unknown buyer cancelled the acquisition of Trust Beneficiary Interest in Nest Hotel Naha from Ichigo Hotel REIT Investment Corporation (TSE : 3463) on January 30, 2021.