Icelandair Group hf. reported traffic results for the month and year to date ended December 2018. For the month, on international flights basis, the company reported number of passengers of 263,457 against 235,164 a year ago. Load factor was 79.6% against 76.8% a year ago. Available Seat KM was 9,800,000 against 14,600,000 a year ago. Revenue Passenger KM was 823,600,000 against 726,600,000 a year ago. For year to date, on international flights basis, the company reported number of passengers of 4,141,491 against 4,052,878 a year ago. Load factor was 81.0% against 82.7% a year ago. Available Seat KM was 180,800,000 against 214,600,000 a year ago. Revenue Passenger KM was 13,154,100,000 against 12,606,600,000 a year ago.