Icelandair Group hf. reported operating results for the month and year to date ended December 2021. For the month, company reported total number of passengers of 168,581 compared to 24,622 a year ago. Load factor was 71.2% compared to 41.5% a year ago. Available Seat KM was 660,600,000 compared to 86,000,000. Revenue Passenger KM was 470,200,000 compared to 36,000,000 a year ago.

For year to date, company reported total number of passengers of 1,461,446 compared to 866,283 a year ago. Load factor was 65.3% compared to 67.2% a year ago. Available Seat KM was 5,963,000,000 compared to 3,191,000,000. Revenue Passenger KM was 3,895,000,000 compared to 2,144,000,000 a year ago.