On 9 May 2019 ZMAY Holdings Limited accepted the Fitting-Out Contract of the Contractor in respect of the Fitting-Out Works to be carried out at the New Office and Customer Service Centre at the Contract Price. The Contractor is principally engaged in undertaking installation and renovation work in Hong Kong, and based on public search records from the Hong Kong Housing Authority, it is listed as one of the decoration contractors named in the Reference List of Decoration Contractors of the Hong Kong Housing Authority. Under the Fitting-Out Contract, the Contractor agreed to undertake the fitting-out works in the New Office and Customer Service Centre according to the floor layout plan, key finish plan & material schedule, and door schedule which include but are not limited to (i) installation of partition walls, doors, floor finishing, skirting, wall finishing and ceiling finishing, etc.; and (ii) provision of materials, lighting systems and built-in furniture. The Contract Price is HKD 8,619,688.00 which was determined after arm's length negotiations between ZMAY and the Contractor on normal commercial terms with reference to the standard and materials chosen by the Group under the Fitting-Out Works, the experience and the expected quality of the works.