The bid of Vedanta Resources plc to acquire Government's residual stake in Hindustan Zinc Ltd. (HZL) and Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (Balco) could be delayed for an indefinite time as the Centre is seeking legal advice on taking the Parliament's approval for the move. Official sources said that the Mines Ministry is currently seeking an opinion from the Law Ministry on the pros and cons of sending Vedanta's proposal for Parliament's approval via the Cabinet route. The deals are pending for more than a year and Vedanta is ready to pay INR 15 billion for 26% stake in HZL and INR 20 billion for 49% stake in Balco.

Sources in the Mines Ministry said that the Law Ministry's advice had been sought on Vedanta's offer and the latter had suggested seeking Parliament's approval on the matter. Sources close to the development told The Pioneer that currently discussions are on between both the ministries on the legalities involved in the aforementioned process. They further added that Vedanta's offer to buy out Government's residual stakes in HZL and Balco would first have to be directed by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) for lawmakers' (Parliament) approval and, therefore, the Mines Ministry is discussing with the Law Ministry the legalities involved in the matter.