Hikari Holdings Co.,Ltd. (TSE:1445) agreed to acquire Smart Brick Limited from Jiro Hido, Hatsue Hido, Setsuko Hido and others on September 2, 2019. Under the transaction, Hikari Holdings acquires 100 shares representing 100% stake in Smart Brick. Under the transaction, Jiro Hido, Hatsue Hido and Setsuko Hido will sale 40%, 40% and 13% stake respectively. Post transfer, Smart Brick Limited will become a consolidated subsidiary of Hikari Holdings Co.,Ltd. During the financial year ended March 2019, Smart Brick Limited reported total assets of ¥32.2 million, sales of ¥81.14 million, EBIT of ¥1.9 million and net profit of ¥0.3 million. The transaction has been resolved by the Board of Directors of Hikari Holdings Co.,Ltd. The transaction expected to be completed by September 12, 2019. Hikari Holdings Co.,Ltd. (TSE:1445) cancelled the acquisition of Smart Brick Limited from Jiro Hido, Hatsue Hido, Setsuko Hido and others on September 2, 2020.