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Harbin Bank Co., Ltd.

哈 爾 濱 銀 行 股 份 有 限 公 司 *

(A joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 6138)





The board of directors (the "Board") of Harbin Bank Co., Ltd. (the "Bank") recently received resignation letters from Mr. Zhang Taoxuan, Mr. Ma Pao-Lin, Mr. Chen Danyang and Mr. Peng Xiaodong, each a non-executive director of the Bank, that (i) due to other work arrangements, Mr. Zhang Taoxuan has tendered his resignation from the positions as a non-executive director of the Seventh Session of the Board and a member of the Development Strategy Committee under the Board of the Bank; (ii) due to work related reasons, Mr. Ma Pao-Lin has tendered his resignation from the positions as a non-executive director of the Seventh Session of the Board and a member

of the Development Strategy Committee under the Board of the Bank; (iii) given Heilongjiang Tuokai Economic and Trading Company Limited (黑龍江拓凱經貿有限公司), which nominated

Mr. Chen Danyang as a non-executive director of the Bank, no longer holds any shares of the Bank, Mr. Chen Danyang has tendered his resignation from the positions as a non-executive director of the Seventh Session of the Board and a member of the Nomination and Remuneration Evaluation Committee under the Board of the Bank; and (iv) due to other work arrangements, Mr. Peng Xiaodong has tendered his resignation from the positions as a non-executive director of the Seventh Session of the Board and a member of the Audit Committee under the Board of the Bank, all with effect from 28 August 2020.

Each of Mr. Zhang Taoxuan, Mr. Ma Pao-Lin, Mr. Chen Danyang and Mr. Peng Xiaodong has confirmed that he had no disagreement with the Board and there were no matters relating to his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders (the "Shareholders") and creditors of the Bank.

The Board would like to express its sincere gratitude to Mr. Zhang Taoxuan, Mr. Ma Pao-Lin, Mr. Chen Danyang and Mr. Peng Xiaodong for their contributions to the Bank during their tenure of service.



The Board has approved and proposed to nominate Mr. Zhao Hongbo, Mr. Zhang Xianjun, Mr. Yu Hong and Mr. Lang Shufeng as non-executive director candidates of the Seventh Session of the Board of the Bank to the Shareholders' general meeting of the Bank at a meeting held on 28 August 2020. The proposed appointments of Mr. Zhao Hongbo, Mr. Zhang Xianjun, Mr. Yu Hong and Mr. Lang Shufeng as non-executive directors of the Bank are subject to the consideration and approval by the Shareholders' general meeting of the Bank and the approval by the banking and insurance regulatory authority under the State Council on their qualifications. If appointed, the term of office of each of Mr. Zhao Hongbo, Mr. Zhang Xianjun, Mr. Yu Hong and Mr. Lang Shufeng will be from the date of obtaining the approval by the banking and insurance regulatory authority under the State Council on his qualification to the expiration date of the term of office of the Seventh Session of the Board.

Biography details of each of Mr. Zhao Hongbo, Mr. Zhang Xianjun, Mr. Yu Hong and Mr. Lang Shufeng are set out as follows:

Mr. Zhao Hongbo (趙洪波), aged 51. Mr. Zhao has served as the chairman and secretary of the Party Committee of Harbin Investment Group Corporation Limited (哈爾濱投資集團有限責任公

) since February 2017, the chairman of Harbin Hatou Investment Co., Ltd. (a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, stock code: 600864) since May 2017, the chairman of Harbin Binxi Railway Co., Ltd. since June 2017, the secretary of the Party Committee of Jianghai Securities Co., Ltd. since July 2017, and the chairman of Jianghai Securities Co., Ltd. since April 2018. Mr. Zhao

served as the general manager, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, chairman and secretary of the Party Committee of Harbin Transportation Group Co., Ltd. (哈爾濱交通集團有限公司) from

April 2013 to February 2017, the deputy general manager and a member of the Party Committee

of the General Office of Harbin Municipal People's Government from December 2002 to April 2013, the headmaster of Heilongjiang Transportation Cadre School (黑龍江省交通幹部學校)

from May 2001 to December 2002, the deputy general manager (deputy division head level) and

general manager (division head level) of Heilongjiang Provincial Transportation Information and Communication Center (黑龍江省交通信息通信中心) from March 1997 to May 2001, the deputy

general manager of general manager's office of Heilongjiang International Exhibition Center (黑 龍江省國際博覽中心) from October 1995 to March 1997, and a cadre of the Heilongjiang Border Economic and Trade Administration (黑龍江省邊境經濟貿易管理局) from September 1991 to

October 1995. Mr. Zhao received a Doctor's degree in Agricultural Economic Management from Northeast Agricultural University in June 2004, and is currently a senior engineer as accredited by the Personnel Department of Heilongjiang Province.


Mr. Zhang Xianjun (張憲軍), aged 46. Mr. Zhang has served as an executive director, the general manager and legal representative of Harbin Economic Development and Investment Company since October 2019, a director of Harbin Hatou Investment Co., Ltd. (a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, stock code: 600864) since November 2016, a director of each of Zhongrong International Trust Co., Ltd. and Jianghai Securities Co., Ltd. since January 2015, a director of Harbin Junxin Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. (a company listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations, stock code: 430558) since August 2014, and the head of the financial asset management department of Harbin Investment Group Corporation Limited since July 2014. Mr. Zhang served as an officer of the long-term development planning division of Harbin Investment Group Corporation Limited and a secretary of the office, secretary of the Youth League Committee, the deputy general manager and officer (ministerial level) of Harbin Investment Group Corporation Limited from April 2004 and June 2014, and a technician, a staff member of the Youth League Committee and the general manager of the labor union of Harbin Cement Factory (哈 爾濱水泥廠 ) from August 1995 to March 2004. Mr. Zhang received a Master's degree in Business Administration from Harbin Engineering University in June 2009, and is currently a senior economist as accredited by the Personnel Department of Heilongjiang Province.

Mr. Yu Hong (于宏), aged 57. Mr. Yu has served as the secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Heilongjiang Financial Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (黑龍江省金融控股集團有限公司)

since January 2019, and a director of Longjiang Bank Corporation since October 2019. Mr. Yu served as the associate chief officer, chief officer and deputy head of the agriculture division and the head of the treasury division and concurrently the general manager of the financial treasury payment center of the Department of Finance of Heilongjiang Province from June 1990 to January 2011, the deputy inspector, deputy director general and a member of the Party Committee of the Department of Finance of Heilongjiang Province from January 2011 to January 2019, and an officer and associate chief officer of the Aquatic Products Bureau of Heilongjiang Province from September 1983 to June 1990. Mr. Yu was graduated from the Party School of Heilongjiang Province in February 1992.

Mr. Lang Shufeng (郎樹峰), aged 50. Mr. Lang has served as the deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of Heilongjiang Financial Holdings Group Co., Ltd. since June

2019. Mr. Lang concurrently served as the secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Heilongjiang Xinzheng Investment Guarantee Group Co., Ltd. (黑龍江省鑫正投資擔保集團有限公

) from June 2019 to December 2019, and served as the deputy secretary of the Party Committee, president, the secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Heilongjiang Xinzheng Investment Guarantee Group Co., Ltd. from October 2010 to June 2019, the assistant to the general manager, executive deputy general manager and general manager of Heilongjiang Xinzheng Investment Guarantee Co., Ltd. from October 2000 to October 2010, the manager of the investment department

and the manager of the corporate management department of Heilongjiang Economic and Trade Development Group Corporation (黑龍江省經濟貿易開發集團總公司) from July 1996 to October

2000, the manager (temporary post) of a Sino-US joint venture Wudalianchi Wuhuan Mineral Water Company (五大連池五環礦泉水公司) from June 1995 to July 1996, and an officer of Heilongjiang Economic Development Company (黑龍江省經濟開發公司) from July 1993 to June

1995. Mr. Lang received an EMBA degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in April 2005, and is currently a senior accountant (researcher-level) as accredited by the Heilongjiang Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.


Each of Mr. Zhao Hongbo, Mr. Zhang Xianjun, Mr. Yu Hong and Mr. Lang Shufeng has confirmed that, save as disclosed above, (1) he does not hold any other positions with the Bank or any of its subsidiaries and has not been a director in any other listed companies during the past three years;

  1. he has no relationship with any other directors, senior management or substantial Shareholders of the Bank or any of its subsidiaries; and (3) as at the date of this announcement, he does not have any interest in the shares of the Bank within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

Each of Mr. Zhao Hongbo, Mr. Zhang Xianjun, Mr. Yu Hong and Mr. Lang Shufeng has also confirmed that there is no other information in relation to his appointment that needs to be disclosed pursuant to the requirements of Rules 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("Hong Kong Listing Rules"), and there is no other matter in relation to his appointment as a non-executive director of the Bank that needs to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders.

After the appointment of each of Mr. Zhao Hongbo, Mr. Zhang Xianjun, Mr. Yu Hong and Mr. Lang Shufeng enters into effect, the Bank will enter into a director service contract with each of them. If appointed, the remuneration of each of Mr. Zhao Hongbo, Mr. Zhang Xianjun, Mr. Yu Hong and Mr. Lang Shufeng will be determined in accordance with the Director Subsidy Management Regulations of the Bank, which may include director's fee and allowance.


The board of supervisors of the Bank (the "Board of Supervisors") recently received a resignation letter from Mr. Liu Mo, a shareholder representative supervisor of the Bank. Due to adjustment of work allocation, Mr. Liu Mo has tendered his resignation from the position as a shareholder representative supervisor of the Seventh Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank, with effect from 28 August 2020.

Mr. Liu Mo has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and the Board of Supervisors, and there were no matters relating to his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders and creditors of the Bank.

The Board and the Board of Supervisors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Mr. Liu Mo for his contributions to the Bank during his tenure of service.



The Board of Supervisors has approved and proposed to nominate Ms. Yang Xuemei as a shareholder representative supervisor candidate of the Seventh Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank to the Shareholders' general meeting of the Bank at a meeting held on 28 August 2020. The proposed appointment of Ms. Yang Xuemei as a shareholder representative supervisor of the Bank is subject to the consideration and approval by the Shareholders' general meeting of the Bank. If appointed, the term of office of Ms. Yang Xuemei will be from the date of approval of the relevant resolution by the Shareholders' general meeting of the Bank to the expiration date of the term of office of the Seventh Session of the Board of Supervisors.

Biography details of Ms. Yang Xuemei are set out as follows:

Ms. Yang Xuemei (楊雪梅), aged 48. Ms. Yang has served as the deputy general manager and a supervisor of Harbin Heli Investment Holding Co., Ltd. (哈爾濱合力投資控股有限公司) since

August 2018. Ms. Yang served as the deputy general manager of Infrastructure Development

and Construction Corporation of Harbin Economic and Technology Development Zone (哈爾濱 經濟技術開發區基礎設施開發建設總公司) from August 2014 to August 2018, a staff and the

deputy head of the engineering and technology department of Infrastructure Development and Construction Corporation of Harbin Economic and Technology Development Zone from May 2002

to August 2014, a supervisor of Aidi Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd. of Harbin Economic and Technology Development Zone (哈爾濱經濟技術開發區愛迪工程建設監理有限責

任公司) from April 2000 to May 2002, and a staff of design office of the infrastructure division

and technical department of infrastructure company of Harbin No. 1 Machinery Manufacturer (哈 爾濱第一機器製造廠 ) from July 1991 to April 2000. Ms. Yang received a college degree from

Heilongjiang Institute of Construction Technology in July 2005, and is currently a senior engineer as accredited by the Personnel Department of Heilongjiang Province.

Ms. Yang Xuemei has confirmed that, saved as disclosed above: (1) she does not hold any other positions with the Bank or any of its subsidiaries and has not been a director in any other listed companies during the past three years; (2) she has no relationship with any other directors, senior management or substantial Shareholders of the Bank or any of its subsidiaries; and (3) as at the date of this announcement, she does not have any interest in the shares of the Bank within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

Ms. Yang Xuemei has also confirmed that there is no other information in relation to her appointment that needs to be disclosed pursuant to the requirements of Rules 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, and there is no other matter in relation to her appointment as a shareholder representative supervisor of the Bank that needs to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders.

After the appointment of Ms. Yang Xuemei enters into effect, the Bank will enter into a supervisor service contract with her. If appointed, the remuneration of Ms. Yang Xuemei will be determined in accordance with the Supervisor Subsidy Management Regulations of the Bank, which may include supervisor's fee and allowance.



Pursuant to Rule 3.21 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, the audit committee must comprise a minimum of three members. After the resignation of Mr. Peng Xiaodong takes effect, the number of members of the Audit Committee under the Board of the Bank decreases from three to two, temporarily being less than the minimum number required under Rule 3.21 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.

The Bank is currently in the process of identifying a suitable candidate to fill the vacancy in the Audit Committee as mentioned above, and will try to complete the relevant appointment process as soon as possible, so as to comply with the requirement of Rule 3.21 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.

By order of the Board of Directors

Harbin Bank Co., Ltd.

Guo Zhiwen


Harbin, the PRC, 28 August 2020

As at the date of the announcement, the Board of the Bank comprises Guo Zhiwen, Lyu Tianjun and Sun Feixia as executive directors; and Ma Yongqiang, Sun Yan, Zhang Zheng and Hou Bojian as independent non-executive directors.

  • Harbin Bank Co., Ltd. is not an authorized institution within the meaning of the Banking Ordinance (Chapter 155 of Laws of Hong Kong), not subject to the supervision of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and not authorized to carry on banking/deposit-taking business in Hong Kong



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Harbin Bank Co. Ltd. published this content on 28 August 2020 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 28 August 2020 11:38:07 UTC