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Hanhua Financial Holding Co., Ltd.*


(A joint stock limited liability company incorporated in the People's Republic of China)

(Stock Code: 3903)





This is a voluntary announcement made by Hanhua Financial Holding Co., Ltd (the "Company") to keep its shareholders and investors informed of the latest business development of the Company and its subsidiaries.

Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated 19 April 2017 in relation to the discloseable transaction in respect of the establishment of the JV Financial Asset Management Company by the Company as the lead promoter (the "Announcement"). Unless the context otherwise requires, capitalized terms and definitions used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcement.

The Company is pleased to announce that on 2 January 2018, filing with the CBRC of 遼寧富安金融資 產管理有限公司 (Liaoning Fu'an Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd*) ("Fu'an Asset"), which was established by the Company as the lead promoter, has been completed. CBRC announced the same in the "Notice of the General Office of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on the Announcement of the List of Local Asset Management Companies in Guizhou Province, Liaoning Province, Heilongjiang Province, Gansu Province and Anhui Province" (Letter No. 18 [2018], General Office of the CBRC)

(《中國銀監會辦公廳關於公佈貴州省、遼寧省、黑龍江省、甘肅省、安徽省地方資產管理公司名 單的通知》(銀監辦便函[2018]18 號)), gave notice to all Banking Regulatory Commissions, policy banks, major banks, joint-stock banks, postal savings banks and financial asset management companies on the following related matters:

1. From the date of issue of CBRC's notice, financial enterprises may conduct batch transfer of distressed assets to the five local asset management companies (including Fu'an Asset) being approved at this instance according to relevant laws, administrative regulations and the requirements of "The Administrative Measures on the Batch Transfer of Distressed Assets of Financial Enterprises" (《金融企 業不良資產批量轉讓管理辦法》).

2. Financial enterprises and local asset management companies carrying out batch transfer and disposal business of distressed assets of financial enterprises shall strictly abide by the laws, administrative regulations and regulatory requirements regarding management and disposal of distressed financial assets. Financial enterprises shall not conduct any batch transfer of distressed assets to entities other than financial asset management companies and local asset management companies.

Fu'an Asset is the second local asset management company in Liaoning province, the PRC. It will mainly serve the local financial and similar financial institutions and actively engage in acquisition, disposal and transfer of distressed financial assets within Liaoning province, the PRC, to efficiently resolve financial risks and contribute to the transformation and upgrade of old industrial bases in the northeast area. Approval of Fu'an Asset is beneficial to the extension of the Company's business scope and the establishment of a one-stop small to medium-sized enterprise financial service system with full financial license.

By order of the Board Hanhua Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Zhang Guoxiang Chairman of the Board

Beijing, the PRC, 29 January 2018

As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. ZHANG Guoxiang, Mr. WANG Dayong and Mr. CUI Weilan; the non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. TU Jianhua, Mr. DUAN Xiaohua, Ms. LIU Jiaoyang, Ms. LIU Tingrong, Ms. WANG Fangfei, Mr. FENG Yongxiang and Mr. LIU Bolin; and the independent non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. BAI Qinxian, Mr.

DENG Zhaoyu, Mr. QIAN Shizheng, Mr. NG Leung Sing and Mr. YUAN Xiaobin.


For identification purpose only

Hanhua Financial Holding Co. Ltd. published this content on 29 January 2018 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 29 January 2018 09:14:06 UTC.

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