71st Republic Day was celebrated by the High Commission of India with traditional and cultural fervor at India House.

High Commissioner Mr. Rahul Chhabra unfurled the national flag and read out the message of Hon’ble Rashtrapatiji. During his address, he informed the gathering about the initiatives taken by High Commission of India for the people of Indian origin, as well as plans for the future.He also announced the upcoming plan of constructing a chancery building for the High Commission, on a plot adjacent to India House.

On the occasion, a large number of diaspora members as well as friends of India witnessed a series of cultural performances, which included live Indian Classical Music, dance, drama and songs on patriotic themes.

High Commissioner laid a wreath of flowers at the British and Indian war memorial in Nairobi. The memorial is dedicated to India and British officers and men who laid down their lives in 1917 during World War I.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of High Commission of India, Nairobi, Kenya.

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