Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico, S.A.B. de C.V. announced the successful refinancing of its bank debt for USD 191.0 million, due in January and February 2024. With this refinancing, the Company extended the current debt for two additional years, with its new maturity in January and March 2026, which provides more certainty with regards to the use of its financial resources for the following years. The refinancing was obtained from the same two Banking Institutions that originally granted these loans.

The financing terms were the following: On March 18, the Company signed a credit refinancing with BBVA México, Sociedad Anónima, Institución De Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero, due in February 2024, for USD 95.5 million. The new loan has a 48-month term from the date of its disbursement, which will take place on March 31, 2022; interest will be payable monthly at a fixed annual rate of 2.45%, structuring fee of 20 basis points and principal payment will be payable at the due date. On March 14, the Company signed a credit refinancing for USD 95.5 million with Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A., due in January 2024.

The new loan has a 46-month term from the date of its disbursement, which will take place in March 22, 2022; interest will be payable monthly at an annual fixed rate of 2.64%, structuring fee of 5 basis points and principal payment will be payable at the due date.