Gold Bull Resources Corp. announced that it has appointed its US based management and technical team. David Johnson is a global mineral explorer with over 25 years experience across a wide variety of geological terrains, deposit types and geographic areas. With multiple several discoveries to his credit and expertise in applying geophysical methods he brings a wealth of knowledge to the group. As Chief Geophysicist at Independence Group, David led regional and in-mine geophysics teams to exploration success, including discovery of the Moran and Long North nickel orebodies at Kambalda and the Rosie nickel deposit in the Duketon greenstone belt in Western Australia. David also discovered The Horn nickel sulphide deposit in the Wildara greenstone belt and contributed to the discovery of the Lounge Lizard nickel orebody (acquired by Western Areas from Kagara in 2012) south of Flying Fox in the Forrestania belt for LionOre. He contributed to the Nordic Mining discovery of nickel sulphide mineralization in the Reinfjord and Lokkarfjord intrusions on the Øksfjord Peninsula, northern Norway, and the Ardiden Limited Silver Star North graphite discovery in Ontario. As a graduate geophysicist at WMC, he had a key role in the discovery of the Gum Pool palaeochannel groundwater resource for Leinster Nickel Operations using moving loop TEM. Stephanie Grocke is a geologist with over ten years of research experience in the fields of volcanology, igneous petrology, and economic geology. She has conducted exploration and research projects in diverse geologic settings including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Guatemala, Iceland, and the western U.S. Stephanie has published scholarly journal articles that have advanced the fields of volcanology, experimental petrology, and porphyry systems and led her into a career of mineral exploration and mine development with a focus on Nevada. Stephanie is experienced in project generation and has successfully vended gold and copper projects into publicly listed Companies. Amy Hannink is a well rounded geologist with hands-on experience in geophysics, exploration and mine geology. Amy has worked in the Nevada gold industry for the past 5 years, primarily in epithermal deposits, both as a mine geologist and an exploration geologist. She most recently worked for Hecla’s Nevadan Regional Exploration Team advancing both brownfield and greenfield projects. Amy is proficient at a wide variety of geological skillsets including: surface mapping, rock sampling, 3D geologic modeling, geophysical and geochemical techniques to advance targets. Prior to her 5 years focused on Nevada and Utah gold projects, she worked for 2 years as a geophysicist.