GitLab Inc. and IBM announced GitLab Ultimate for IBM Cloud Paks, which is designed to help streamline team collaboration and increase team productivity with a comprehensive, easy-to-use DevOps platform. GitLab Ultimate for IBM Cloud Paks will help to drive DevOps maturity, automation and transformation to enable customers to develop and deploy applications, securely, to the cloud environment of their choosing. As organizations continue to rapidly shift workloads to the cloud, they are acutely focused on building new cloud native applications and modernizing existing applications to support cloud environments.

To be successful though, they need to be able to do this in an open, secured and portable manner where time to value can be improved and tool lock-in can be avoided. GitLab Ultimate for IBM Cloud Paks is designed to help project teams that want to deploy an application to different resilient systems located on other environments such as IBM Cloud, IBM Z, or bare metal servers, and enable them to help automate and deploy management into those systems with ease using Red Hat OpenShift. GitOps and IBM's GitLab Ultimate for IBM Cloud Paks orchestration automation technology can also be used in conjunction with GitLab pipelines.