GainClients Inc. announced that it has signed a major service agreement with Fidelity National Title. The Agreement, signed with Fidelity's Foreclosure Division, allows Fidelity to use the Company's GCard service to (i) reduce costs through process efficiencies, (ii) expand upon its large existing network of real estate professionals and (iii) improve revenues by providing value-added services and solutions to its clients.  This is a major breakthrough for GainClients, as the GCard provides a platform for additional services and future growth within the nation's title insurance company. The GCard service helps Fidelity expand its already enormous network of real estate professionals; namely real estate agents and loan originators and their clients. The GCard service also bundles many aspects of a real estate transaction within the same GCard platform to make the process more efficient. GainClients expects this Agreement will be the first of several agreements to be signed with several other divisions of the Fidelity umbrella – each of which will bring additional revenue streams.  GainClients continues to demonstrate, through pilots and live testing, the incredible success rate its revolutionary service can offer the real estate and mortgage industries.  Thus, each additional agreement becomes not only a new revenue stream, but a new advertising and marketing demonstration of the product.  During a three month pilot program, the use of the GainClients service improved Fidelity's ability to convert 5% more title policies.  The GainClients offering is a one-of-a-kind, revolutionary and transformational technology that has the proven ability to drastically change the way the industry finds, retains and markets to their new and previously-held clients.