Freetech Road Recycling Technology (Holdings) Limited (“Freetech”, or the “Group;” stock code: HK.6888), a leading asphalt pavement maintenance (the “APM”) integrated solution provider, announced that, Chairman and CEO of the Group, Mr. Sze Wan Pan visited Tongji University and made a speech titled “Self-innovation – the Road of Freetech Entrepreneurship in the Transportation Field in the Past 20 Years” and communicated with the students.

On that day, Mr. Sze Wan Pan held a “self-innovation experience sharing” seminar in the lecture hall of the School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering and actively responded to students with questions. Before the lecture, Mr. Sze Wan Pan awarded 12 outstanding students the "Freetech Circular Economy Scholarship in 2014-2015" and had a close talk with Wu Bing, Party Secretary of the School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering.

Mr. Wu mentioned that since 2008 when Freetech Scholarship was established in the School, hundreds of outstanding students had benefited from the fund in their pursuit of academic excellence. He hoped that the School and Freetech would continue to deepen the cooperation and exchanges in various fields in the future.

About Freetech Road Recycling Technology (Holdings) Limited (Stock Code: HK.6888)

Freetech Road Recycling Technology is a leading integrated solution provider using the Hot-in-Place recycling technology in the asphalt pavement maintenance industry renowned for its Road Doctor brand. As of 31 December 2015, the Group owned 111 registered patents and had 11 pending patent applications in Hot-in-Place Recycling Technology and related equipment. The Group has also established 11 joint ventures and associates and appointed 12 franchisees across China including Hunan, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Fujian, Xinjiang and Guangdong in order to expand its customer base across the country.