FPX Nickel Corp. announced that it is commented on recent public communications from Tl'azt'en Nation with respect to the 2012 Memorandum of Understanding ("MoU") between Tl'azt-en Nation, family Keyoh Holders, and FPX, and concerns expressed related to resource development. FPX is focused on development of the Baptiste Nickel Project in central British Columbia, which is currently at a pre-feasibility level of study and has not yet entered the provincial or federal environmental assessment processes.

The Baptiste area is located on the traditional territories of Tl'azt'EN Nation and Binche Whut'enne keyohs, a traditional governance system of the Dakelh people of the Stuart-Trembleur Lake area. Since 2009, FPX has maintained regular engagement with Tl'azt'an Nation, formalizing those activities with the MoU signed in 2012, which defines protocols for engagement for all exploration activities occurring on Tl'azt'e territory and enshrines confidentiality of information sharing between the parties. FPX acknowledges the potential impacts of resource projects and the concerns that Indigenous communities have expressed for such activities occurring on their territories.

The Company has been working collaboratively and meeting with Indigenous communities to understand key valued species and habitats in order to avoid and minimize impacts, and to identify significant mitigations and enhancements that have the potential to create long-term environmental benefits for the local area. The Company is committed to ensuring the Rights of Indigenous People are respected, and is focused on working collaboratively with Indigenous leadership to advance a modern mining project that is aligned with global sustainable development goals and that protects people and the environment. FPX looks forward to continuing to evaluate all aspects of the potential project, building on current program of on-going geological and engineering studies, Indigenous-led cultural and environmental baseline studies, and continued early engagement with all potentially-affected communities.

FPX also has an exploration and development Memorandum of Agreement ("MoA") with Binche Keyoh Bu Society, which represents the keyoh families within the Binche Whut'en in central British Columbia. Binche Whut'EN was constituted in March 2019 as a newly recognized First Nation by the Government of Canada.