On 30 December 2013, FPT IS FSE officially earned VND 1,003 billion in revenue, exceeding the challenging target. This is the result of effort by the whole FPT IS FSE in the context of the economic crisis and public spending cuts.

FPT IS FSE has successfully completed business the challenging target in 2013.

The success of FPT IS FSE is due to its focus on all assigned markets including public finance, enterprises, foreign invested enterprise and judicial security. At present, the company specializes in building and deploying integrated systems for public finance, information systems (including integrated systems and software solutions) for customs, security, defense, health, education, enterprise and e-services (digital signature, tax return and electronic customs declaration).

In August 2013, FPT IS FSE became the first unit of FPT IS and FPT to exceed the profit plan in 2013 just after 6 months. Two months later, FPT IS FSE was the first unit of FPT to exceeded revenue and profit plans in 2013.

Besides FPT IS FSE, by the end of December 2013, other member companies of FPT finished their business plans in 2013 namely FPT IS SRV (105 %), FPT Soft (102 %), FPT IS South (105.47 %) and FPT IS FSC (103 %).

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