ABN: 44 079 902 499

05 August 2013

Lvl 1, 9 Bowman Road, South Perth Western Australia 6151

PO Box 480, South Perth Western Australia 6951

Tel: 61 8 9318 5600 Fax: 61 8 9318 5666

Web: www.foxresources.com.au Email: fxr@foxresources.com.au
Company Announcements Office
Australian Securities Office

Share Purchase Plan - Extension of Offer Period

Further to the announcement be Fox Resources Ltd (ASX code: FXR) (Company) made to ASX on
12th July 2013 and 17th July 2013 regarding the Company's share purchase plan (SPP), the Company advises that the closing date for the offer under the SPP (SPP Offer) has been extended by four days to
5.00PM (WST) on Friday 9th August 2013.
This extension is to allow shareholders to properly consider and evaluate the company's announcement
to ASX on 1 August 2013 regarding the proposed exploration drilling program of the Bundaberg coking coal project in Queensland.
Set out below is an updated timetable for the SPP Offer incorporating the extended closing date:



Record date (Date for determining Shareholders entitlements to participate

in SPP offer)

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Announcement of SPP Offer

Friday, 12th July 2013

Opening date for SPP Offer

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The above dates are indicative only and are subject to the ASX Listing Rules. The Company reserves the right to further vary these dates.
For and on behalf of the Board,

Bruce Garlick CEO 05 August 2013

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