Four Nines Gold Inc. announced new results for the Company's surface mapping and sampling program for the Hayden Hill Property, with the highest grade to date of 45.4 g/t. The high-grade results are consistent with previous sampling (December 6, 2023) and support the Company's geological team's hypothesis of a high grade low sulfidation model that was not drilled to depth. Surface mapping combined with all available datasets have been used to complete three-dimensional (3D) models, which has refined approved drill targets. Gold mineralization at Hayden Hill is present in three (3) primary, and two (2) secondary zones within an area of 1.3 square kilometers.

The district was explored by several companies throughout the 1980s, Amax Gold gained control of the project in 1988 and mined the deposit from 1991 - 1997, recovering approximately 480,000 ounces of gold. Previous operators did not target structurally controlled high-grade mineralization, as is the Four Nines approach, rather conducted exploration programs assuming that the gold mineralization was disseminated. Hayden Hill has not been drilled since 1997 and remains one of the few modern open pits in the Western United States unexplored to depth.

Four Nines is the first company to apply modern exploration concepts and the low sulfidation epithermal model to the property. Initial surface mapping and sampling was conducted in 2023 with a primary objective toidentify and characterize structural feeders that could host high-grade gold-silver mineralization. Four Nines Gold received approval from Lassen County, California, in 2023, to conduct approximately 10 acres of exploration disturbance.

Highlights: 123 new assays results, Highest surface gold value is 45.5 grams per metric tonne (g/t), Twenty (20) samples have values > 10 g/t Au, Thirty-four (34) samples have values > 5 g/t Au, Fifty (50) samples have values > 3 g/t Au, Three-dimensional (3D) modeling of all available datasets indicates high quality drill targets. The primary goal of the 2023 field program was to characterize mineralized features that might confirm the geological team's hypothesis of a structurally controlled high-grade epithermal gold mineralization deposit. Pit highwalls, historical trenches and pits, undisturbed outcrops, and areas of subcrop have been mapped and sampled.

The Four Nines geological team collected 331 surface selective rock chip grab samples for which 265 assays have been received. The results for the samples assayed in 2023 (the "2023 assays") have been disclosed in a 2023-12-06 press release. This press release discloses the summary results for 123 samples collected in 2023 that have not been previously reported.

The highest gold value for the 2024 assays is 45.4 g/t. Seven (7) samples havevalues > 10 g/t, 12 have values > 5 g/t, 16 have values > 3 g/t, 31 have values > 1 g/t, 38 have values > 0.5 g/t, and 85 have values < 0.5 g/t. Highlight comments for the 2024 sample results include: The highest gold grade, of 45.4 g/t, was from a sample collected on a northwest trending banded vein in the Nose Zone, Five (5) of the 7 gold assays > 10 g/t were for samples collected in the Nose Zone, further delineating mineralization associated with the northeast trending Rim Vein and the intersection with northwest trending veins, Six (6) of the gold grades > 1 g/t were for samples collected in the southeast area of Hayden Hill - requires further mapping and sampling, One (1) high-grade gold value of 14.15 g/t was for a sample collected in the Juniper Zone, Two (2) gold grades > 3 g/t were for samples collected from northwest trending veins that cross the west wall of the Lookout Pit, One (1) sample, with a gold grade of 8.87 g/t, was collected from the West Providence Vein - requires further mapping and sampling, and A sample, with a gold grade of 24 g/t, was collected from the northern extension of the 214 Vein on the Nose. The highest gold value for the consolidated 2023 sample set (2023 & 2024 assays), for which assays have been received, is 45.4 g/t. Twenty (20) samples have gold values > 10 g/t, 34 have values > 5 g/t, 50 have values > 3 g/t, 77 have values > 1 g/t, 92 have values > 0.5 g/t, and 173 have values < 0.5 g/t. Follow-up sampling for regions with higher grade initial values will be conducted during the 2024 field season. The mapping and assay results continue to verify the Company's geological team's hypothesis of dominant structural orientation, in three primary zones of the property (Figure 2 - the Lookout, Providence, and Golden Eagle zones).

Epithermal quartz veins and breccia bodies are located along these high-angle structures and are the targets for the Phase 1 drill program. The following styles of hydrothermal features, favorable for the presence of epithermal gold-silver mineralization, have been mapped and sampled on the Property: Multiple banded epithermal veins, Clast-support hydrothermal breccias (clasts comprise > 50% of the breccia volume), Matrix-supported hydrothermal breccias, for which the hydrothermal matrix comprises > 50% of the breccia volume. Clasts of previously veined material are common, Euhedral adularia and quartz replacement of individual calcite crystals is locally present, Pervasive silicification, that is reported to also include fine-grained adularia, is the most widespread form of hydrothermal alteration present in the Project area.

The surface samples have been analyzed by the ALS Laboratory in Reno Nevada. The samples have been processed according to the following: Preparation: Prep-31, Gold assay: Au-AA23 (fire assay with AAS finish); defaults to a 2nd analysis by Au-Grav21 (gravimetric finish) when the concentration from the Au-AA23 assay is > 10 g/t, Certified reference (CRM) and blank material samples have been inserted into the rock samples submittal at a ratio of 1 standard/10 rock samples, Chain of custody and security maintained from sample collection through submission to the ALS Laboratory. Gold assays for the QA/QC samples are: 1) 20 of 21 assays for the gold CRM are within an acceptable range (one sample is 0.01 g/t outside of range), and 2) all blank sample assays are very low (9 of 10 < 0.10 g/t) with the highest value being .017 g/t. The field program has been conducted under the supervision and direction of David Flint, the Four Nines' VP of Exploration and Qualified Person.