On 19 July 2022, the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation agreement between Fosun International Limited and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) Shanghai Branch was held at ICBC Shanghai Branch. ICBC and Fosun will conduct in-depth cooperation in high technology, advanced manufacturing, biopharmaceuticals, happiness industry and other fields to foster development. Fu Jie, President of ICBC Shanghai Branch and Guo Guangchang, Chairman of Fosun International attended the signing ceremony through video conferencing.

On behalf of the two parties, Zhang Houlin, Senior Vice President and Co-CFO of Fosun International, and Wang Rui, Vice President of ICBC Shanghai Branch, formally signed the comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement, with Fu Jie, Guo Guangchang, Zhang Xiaoqi, Vice President of ICBC Shanghai Branch, and Wang Qunbin, Co-Chairman of Fosun International acting as witnesses. Wang Qunbin delivered a speech at the ceremony, and Gong Ping, Executive President and CFO of Fosun International, attended the meeting online.