Forrester Research, Inc. introduced Forrester Decisions for Partner Ecosystem Marketing, the next generation of its Forrester Decisions for Channel Marketing service. The enhanced service is designed to help marketing leaders modernize their existing partner programs as partner ecosystems further evolve and expand. Forrester data shows that in 2022, nearly half of B2B channel and ecosystem leaders expected annual growth in the number of partners they engaged with.

This year, the formation of partner ecosystems will continue to rise and extend beyond transactional or resell motions. These partner ecosystems will also include non-transacting partners that play a vital role in actualizing value across the entire customer lifecycle. This Forrester Decisions service will help partner ecosystem marketing leaders develop, enable, and engage their partners to drive loyalty and amplify revenue growth throughout their ecosystem.

Forrester Decisions for Partner Ecosystem Marketing will also help executives, functional leaders, and their teams plan for and pursue their most pressing priorities, including: Formulating a partner ecosystem marketing strategy. Planning and measuring for partner ecosystem success. Optimizing insights-driven partner demand.

Modernizing the partner program. Enabling ecosystem partners. Winning mindshare through partner engagement.

Building a world-class partner ecosystem marketing team. Each Forrester Decisions service is built to empower leaders and their teams to move quickly, de-risk decisions, and save time and money through: Bold vision research to stay ahead of shifting customer and market dynamics and plan for the future. Curated tools and frameworks to conquer priorities and deliver on strategies with strategic models and plug-and-play templates.

For example, the Forrester Partner Ecosystem Multiplier Model enables marketing leaders to build partner-obsessed organizations that drive alignment between partner ecosystem strategy, buyer and customer needs, partner success, and joint business outcomes. Hands-on guidance to accelerate progress and de-risk decisions with a tailored experience through analyst guidance sessions, peer discussions, and events.