These are the results of the independent study of the consumer segment of the Bulgarian market for the initiative of the global organization Superbrands, which is held for the fourth consecutive time in Bulgaria.

The methodology of selection and evaluation of brands is universal for all countries implementing the Superbrands program. The selective process is carried out in two stages: through confidential voting of the members of the independent expert jury - the Board of Superbrands Bulgaria, and by national consumer voting on the Internet. This allows the expert opinion to be considered along with the opinion of consumers. Board members do not receive remuneration, they do not valuate a brand with which they are associated, or their competitors' brands.

Partner of Superbrands in the conduct of national consumer voting on the Internet is the leading market research institute GfK Bulgaria.

Superbrands is a brand that has built an excellent reputation in its sector and offers significant tangible and emotional advantages over its competitors. These advantages, consciously or unconsciously, are recognized by consumers and they want to own them. Superbrands must demonstrate quality, reliability and individuality.

First Investment Bank became a leader in the category of financial institutions / banks. Thus the biggest Bulgarian bank shows that it is the most favorite Bulgarian brand among consumers of financial services.

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