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MONTREAL, FEBRUARY 27, 2012 - Fibrek Inc. ("Fibrek") is delighted to have been selected to participate in the pilot project on product carbon footprint announced today by the Québec government. This initiative fits perfectly within Fibrek's business strategy and reflects its determination to apply the principles of sustainable development.
This pilot project will serve to identify priority actions that will help reduce the environmental impact of Fibrek and of other participating businesses. The project will allow the Québec government to assess the feasibility of implementing certification for the carbon footprint of products.
"Fibrek applauds the vision of the Québec government and shares its desire to preserve natural resources while creating wealth for all stakeholders. We have engaged ourselves in the path of sustainable development, particularly by gaining FSC Chain-of-Custody certification for our products and taking steps to improve our carbon footprint", said Fibrek President and Chief Executive Officer Pierre Gabriel Côté.
"Fibrek is convinced that this project will contribute to consolidate its leadership position and meet its customers' new demands for products. Fibrek is proud to be one of the ten selected companies committed to quantifying the footprint of one or more of their products. We thank the CIRAIG, an intervarsity centre researching product lifecycles, processes and services, and the Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE) for their leadership and support", concluded Emmanuelle Lamarre-Cliche, Vice-President, Legal Affairs, Sustainable Development and Corporate Secretary.
The SFK-90TM pulp produced at the Saint-Félicien mill fits perfectly into this pilot project. This initiative is an addition to the major cogeneration project already underway and to the many measures implemented over the past years to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Since 1990, the Saint-Félicien mill has increased its production by 25% while reducing its GHG emissions by 14%.

About Fibrek

Fibrek (TSX: FBK) is a leading producer and marketer of high-quality virgin and recycled kraft pulp. The company operates three mills located in Saint-Félicien, Québec, Fairmont, West Virginia, and in Menominee, Michigan with a combined annual production capacity of 760,000 tonnes. Fibrek has approximately 500 employees. The Saint-Félicien mill provides northern bleached softwood kraft pulp (product known as NBSK pulp) to various sectors of the paper industry mainly in Canada, the United

States and Europe, for use in the production of specialized products. The Fairmont and Menominee mills manufacture air-dried recycled bleached kraft pulp (product known as RBK pulp) and primarily supply manufacturers of fine uncoated paper, tissue paper for commercial and industrial uses, and coated paper in the United States.

For information:

Investor Relations: Patsie Ducharme 514 871-0550

Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Media and other: Dany Paradis 514-871-0550

Vice President, Change Management & Supply Chain