ISOC Holdings, Inc. made a tender offer to acquire 33% stake in AG Finance Incorporated (PSE:AGF) for approximately PHP 190 million on November 29, 2017. ISOC Holdings, Inc. will acquire 86.4 million shares at price of PHP 2.1662 per share. In a related transaction. ISOC Holdings, Inc. entered into an agreement to acquire 67% stake in AG Finance Incorporated from RYM Business Management Corporation for approximately PHP 380 million on November 29, 2017. At closing, the Directors of AG Finance Incorporated shall resign and the persons nominated by the ISOC Holdings, Inc. will be appointed to the Board of AG Finance Incorporated, after which the newly organized boards are expected to appoint new key officers of AG Finance Incorporated. The tender offer will start from December 4, 2017 and will close on January 3, 2018. The settlement will happen on February 2, 2018. Crisanto Del Mundo, Florentino Basco and Janel Ingrid Esquivel of Unicapital Securities Inc. acted as tender offer agent for ISOC Holdings, Inc. Gigi C. Arcaba and Ma. Cecilia T. Arce of BDO Trust and Investments and BDO Unibank, Inc acted as stock transfer agent for ISOC Holdings, Inc. Unicapital, Incorporated acted as fairness opinion provider for ISOC Holdings, Inc. in the transaction and will be paid a fee of PHP 0.5 million. ISOC Holdings, Inc. cancelled the acquisition of 33% stake in AG Finance Incorporated (PSE:AGF) on January 3, 2018. As of January 3, 2018, no shares tended during the tender offer period.