Waregem (Belgium), 15 January 2010 - In 2009 the consolidated turnover of Arseus
increased  10.3% to EUR 391.3 million.  The organic growth  in 2009 was 4.1%. In
the  fourth  quarter  the  consolidated  turnover  increased  9.9% to EUR 113.9
million. The organic growth was 4.5%.

The evolution of turnover per division is as follows[1]:

| (x EUR 1 million) | Q4 2009 | Q4 2008 | evolution | organic growth |
| Fagron            |    43.1 |    39.1 |     10.2% |           6.5% |
| Arseus Dental     |    46.9 |    43.0 |      9.1% |           3.8% |
| Arseus Medical    |    15.7 |    14.2 |     10.6% |          -1.1% |
| Corilus           |     8.2 |     7.3 |     12.3% |           9.6% |
| TOTAL             |   113.9 |   103.6 |      9.9% |           4.5% |

| (x EUR 1 million) |  2009 |  2008 | evolution | organic growth |
| Fagron            | 150.7 | 136.9 |     10.1% |           5.6% |
| Arseus Dental     | 161.2 | 144.2 |     11.8% |           3.1% |
| Arseus Medical    |  50.6 |  47.3 |      7.0% |           2.0% |
| Corilus           |  28.8 |  26.2 |      9.9% |           6.3% |
| TOTAL             | 391.3 | 354.6 |     10.3% |           4.1% |

Ger  van Jeveren, CEO of Arseus: "2009 was in several respects an excellent year
for  Arseus. Despite the unfavourable economic circumstances and the cost-saving
programme  launched at the  start of 2009, all  the divisions contributed to the
turnover  growth of  10.3%, of which  no less  than 4.1% was organic growth. The
emphasis  in  the  first  half  of  2009 was  on  strengthening  our  management
structure,  while we used our healthy financial  situation in the second half of
2009 to make some strategic acquisitions.

 We  are  confident  about  the  future  and  confirm  our previous outlook that
recurring  EBITDA will grow  faster than turnover  in 2009. Based on our current
view  and Arseus' existing  portfolio, we expect  to generate turnover growth of
between 5% and 10% in 2010 and a recurring EBITDA that is again expected to grow
faster than turnover."

 [1] Unaudited management figures.

Please open the link below for the full press release:


    Excellent year for Arseus: turnover increases 10.3% to EUR 391.3 million: