ExactTarget Active Audiences Recognized for Enabling Marketers to Power More Targeted Facebook Advertising Using Engagement Data from Email, Mobile, Social and Web

INDIANAPOLIS (Oct. 9, 2013) - Global digital marketing leader ExactTarget, a salesforce.com (NYSE: CRM) company, announced today that it won the Facebook® Preferred Marketing Developer Innovation Competition for its latest digital marketing innovation.

Facebook awarded ExactTarget the honor for its forthcoming Active Audiences product, a solution that brings together ExactTarget email marketing with social advertising by Salesforce Social.com to create targeted Facebook advertising based on customer engagement across email, mobile, social and Web.

"In today's connected world, customers are moving effortlessly between marketing channels to interact with brands before, during and after the buying process," said Scott McCorkle, president of technology and strategy, Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud. "Active Audiences will enable marketers to connect with their customers in new ways by optimizing Facebook ad campaigns based on customer interactions."

When customers interact with a brand across ExactTarget powered email, mobile, social media or websites, Active Audiences will enable marketers to automatically add the customer to a unique audience within Facebook to use in delivering more relevant Facebook advertising.

Key uses of the forthcoming Active Audiences include:

  • E-commerce: Power targeted Facebook ad campaigns to recommend complementary products post purchase and drive engagement from shoppers who abandon online shopping carts.
  • Remarketing: Remarket offers to email subscribers who do not convert and target Facebook ads to customers based on segments created from mobile, email, web, social, and other customer specific data sources.
  • Increase ROI: Reduce customer acquisition costs while increasing lifetime value by delivering more targeted, consistent 1:1 marketing across digital channels.

Currently in closed beta, Active Audiences is currently expected to be generally available to customers in Q1 2014.

"Technology and digital techniques are changing the ways marketers design and manage multichannel marketing. The companies that come out on top will find out what motivates buyers, anticipate future customer needs and wants, and create a compelling online experience for customers, and they will do it better than their competitors," noted Gartner analysts Jennifer Beck and Adam Sarner, in the "Agenda Overview for Multichannel Marketing", published January 2013.

Any unreleased services or features referenced in this or other press releases or public statements are not currently available and may not be delivered on time or at all. Customers who purchase ExactTarget Marketing Cloud applications should make their purchase decisions based upon features that are currently available.

About ExactTarget, a salesforce.com Company
ExactTarget is a leading global provider of cross-channel digital marketing software-as-a-service solutions that empower organizations of all sizes to communicate with their customers through email, mobile, social media, Web and marketing automation. ExactTarget's suite of integrated applications enables marketers to plan, automate, deliver and optimize data-driven digital marketing and real-time communications to drive customer engagement, increase sales and improve return on marketing investment. ExactTarget is a salesforce.com company. For more information, visit www.ExactTarget.com.

Media Contact:
Kari Brownsberger (Finn Partners) 312.329.3980 or

Facebook® is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.
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