Columbia, MD - January 26th, 2015 - Eurotech, a leading supplier of embedded technologies, products and systems, announced today that they will be participating in the M2M Evolution Conference & Expo as a Platinum sponsor. Eurotech has increased its sponsorship level at the M2M Evolution conference in recognition of its ability to draw business leaders together to explore how to take advantage of the Internet of Things for real operational benefit.

The M2M Evolution Conference & Expo is a thriving environment where M2M and IoT- based services are brought to market by brand name companies creating new B2B opportunities. Eurotech's approach to IoT builds on two decades of M2M experience solving the challenges faced by organizations looking to benefit from the data in their devices through a portfolio of IoT multi-service gateways, an IoT integration platform (Everyware Cloud), and an ecosystem of partners for application development and business analytics.

Eurotech's participation in the event will consist of several speaking sessions, by an expert team, with titles including:
• Java Embedded- A look into simplifying the design, deployment and remote management of embedded applications by creating a Java Internet of Things gateway.
• Relevant Data Making Big Data Work- An insightful panel session for how businesses can stay ahead of the competition by making data-driven decisions.
• Things in Motion: Track and Trace- A panel session taking a next generation look on how information is gathered on things in motion. Hear about the risks involved and where improvements can be made in delivering services.
• Optimizing Washroom Maintenance with the Internet of Things case study presentation in the main M2M Theatre.

In addition, Eurotech will be displaying several IoT demonstrations to help attendees see how they can deploy IoT services and capabilities in their business environment. One of those demonstrations will focus on the award winning ReliaSENS 18-12, which received the 2014 M2M Evolution IoT Excellence Award presented by TMC and Crossfire Media.

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