Boliden Harjavalta and Etteplan have signed a cooperation agreement to provide engineering services for Boliden Harjavalta's facilities in Pori and Harjavalta. Etteplan's expertise in engineering solutions and production process know-how complement Boliden Harjavalta's needs, especially in operational optimization and digital engineering process management. At the same time, Etteplan and Metso have agreed on a business transfer, in which 26 Metso's employees working in Harjavalta will transfer to Etteplan as existing employees starting September 1, 2024.

The collaboration between Boliden Harjavalta and Etteplan is based on continuous development and modern technology, which in turn enables Boliden to enhance its competitiveness in the evolving metal industry and markets. By combining their forces, Boliden Harjavalta and Etteplan are ready to develop the industry, advance innovations in metal industry and its supply chains, and be agile in adapting to the changing needs of the business in order to achieve sustainable growth.