• The Sparkassen Group enters a new co-operation with WEIN & CO
  • “Gourmet account” free for one year, 10% discount on all WEIN & CO products

From next Monday 3 October, all Erste Bank customers will each receive a 10% discount at WEIN & CO on the 1st Monday of the month when they present their bank card or use it to pay for goods. The discount is also valid for all customers of the Sparkassen Group. Anyone who does not yet have an account at Erste Bank will receive a free account for one year during the promotion period, which runs until the end of 2012.

By entering the new partnership with WEIN & CO, Erste Bank und Sparkassen are continuing a series of different co-operations, such as those with Tchibo/Eduscho, OMV, or SK Rapid. The figures support the strategy: 43,000 new customers (net) were gained in the first half of 2011 alone, and the Sparkassen Group wants this number to be 70,000 by the end of the year. In total, the group has 3 million customers in Austria, and therefore a market share of just under 30 percent.

The essential services offered by the new gourmet account in detail:

  • Free gourmet account (s Komfort Konto) for 1 year, valued at 56.96 Euros
  • 20 Euros WEIN & CO opening voucher after opening an account
  • Free Falstaff Gourmet Club membership valued at 250 Euros
  • A bottle of sparkling wine from WEIN & CO on your birthday
  • 10% Erste Bank discount at WEIN & CO on the 1st of every month. Valid for the bar and shop. The Erste Bank und Sparkasse bank card must be presented at purchase.
  • Invitation to the “MondoVino” wine fair, valued at 35 Euros (free entry for 1 person)
  • Services valid until at least 31/12/2012 or longer if the co-operations are extended