Enzo Biochem, Inc. announced validation of a cervical cancer biomarker detection test that provides a highly robust and cost-efficient solution for anatomical pathology. Specifically, Enzo’s validated p16, a marker used extensively as a key diagnostic and prognostic biomarker of several cancers, is the nre addition to the company’s growing immunohistochemistry pipeline, including, among others, Ki-67, Her2 and p53. Enzo’s validated p16 provides clear detection of tissue abnormalities in the field of cancer diagnostics, including cervical cancer’s progression. It complements the company’s POLYVIEW® immunochemistry detection, the recent subject of a favorable article in the prestigious peer-reviewed Annals of Diagnostic Pathology. With current mounting cost and reimbursement pressures, Enzo’s new p16 test provides a highly cost-effective alternative. Other p16 tests on the market have of late become unaffordable as a result of increasing reagent costs outweighing average reimbursements. When p16 is used in combination with Enzo’s POLYVIEW® detection system’s reduction of false-positives, the economics are substantially enhanced.