EGP places 19 new photovoltaic plants into service in Greece, for a total installed capacity of around 42 MW, as well as a further 15 MW operated by ESSE, an equal joint venture with Sharp
The total estimated output is 76 million kWh per year, which will save the annual emission of more than 50,000 tonnes of CO2

Rome, January 30th, 2013 - Enel Green Power (EGP) is strengthening its position in the Greek solar power sector through the entry into service of 19 new photovoltaic plants, the last of those envisaged for the country within the framework of EGP's 2012-2016 business plan.

The new photovoltaic plants launched by EGP boast a total installed capacity of 42 MW. A further 15 MW has been put into service by ESSE, the equal joint venture between EGP and Sharp. Therefore, EGP total installed capacity in Greece is reaching approximately 290 MW.

The first four plants-"Florina Yatsovo", "Helios",  "Axiochori" and "Vavdos"-are located in Macedonia. "Florina Yatsovo" has an installed capacity of 1.5 MW and is able to generate around 2 million kWh per year. "Helios", located on the edge of central Macedonia, has an installed capacity of 6 MW and is able to generate more than 8 million kWh per year. "Axiochori", with an installed capacity of 6.25 MW, will be able to generate about 8 million kWh per year.  The final plant, "Vavdos", has an installed capacity of 1.37 MW and an estimated output of around 2 million kWh per year.

Four plants have also been added in the region of Thrace: "Advira-Pezoula", which has an installed capacity of 2.8 MW and is able to generate around 3.6 million kWh per year; "Karidia", with an installed capacity of 3.3 MW and that will be able to generate about 4 million kWh per year; "Pezouliotika", with an installed capacity of 3.5 MW and an estimated output of around 4.5 million kWh per year; and "Herodasos" with an installed capacity of 4 MW and that will be able to generate about 5 million kWh per year.  

Two of the plants are located in southern Greece: "Farsala III", which, with an installed capacity of 0.92 MW, will be able to generate more than 1 million kWh per year, and "Ekta", with an installed capacity of 2 MW and an estimated output of about 2.5 million kWh per year.

The last three plants are located in Thessaly (two) and Elide (one). The first two, "Gephyria I" and "Gephyria II" boast a combined installed capacity of 3.54 MW and will be able to generate about 5 million kWh. The third one, "Stroussi", with an installed capacity of 6.43 MW, is expected to generate more than 9 million kWh each year.

ESSE has also launched six new PV plants for a total installed capacity exceeding 15 MW. ESSE is a 50/50 joint venture between EGP and Sharp for the development of photovoltaic power in the Mediterranean region.

The first, "Zitza", located in Epirus, has an installed capacity of 2 MW and is able to generate more than 2.5 million kWh each year. The second, "Kalenta", in Thrace, consists of four projects (Iasmos, Polysitos I and II, Sounio) with an installed capacity of 9.8 MW and that will be able to generate about 13 million kWh per year. Finally "Kryoneri", located in western Macedonia, has an installed capacity of 3.5 MW and will be able to generate around 5 million kWh per year once fully up and running.

These plants bring the solar power capacity of the Italian-Japanese JV to around 38 MW to date.

The operation of both companies' new plants will result in the generation of 76 million kWh of zero emission energy, thereby avoiding the emission of more than 50,000 tonnes of CO2 each year.

Enel Green Power is the Enel Group company fully dedicated to the development and management of renewable energy sources at the international level, with operations in Europe and the Americas. The company generated 22.5 billion kWh in 2011 from water, sun, wind and the Earth's heat - enough to meet the energy needs of more than 8 million households and avoid the emission of over 16 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Enel Green Power is a world leader thanks to its well-balanced generation mix, providing generation volumes well over the sector average. The Company has an installed capacity of around 8,000 MW from a mix of sources including wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass. Currently, EGP has more than 700 operational plants in 16 countries in Europe and the Americas.

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