Pressmeddelande från Emotra AB (publ)

Press release from Emotra AB (publ) Göteborg, March 18, 2015

Emotra has submitted the application for a grant from the EU Horizon 2020 programme

Emotra has submitted the application for a financial grant from the EU Horizon 2020 programme. The application is for a €50K grant to finance a phase 1 feasibility study to demonstrate the potential to broaden the EDOR indication range to include children and young people up to 20 years of age. The feasibility study will also include a review of the conditions to develop "EDOR Interconnect", a global communication platform that will facilitate Emotra's communication with clinical departments and serve them in different parts of the world.

Work on the application for a grant to finance the feasibility study has been ongoing since the early autumn of
2014 and the application itself was submitted yesterday, 17th March 2015. Drafting the application for funds from the EU has been a comprehensive and painstaking job, made possible thanks to financial support from Västra Götaland region. A response from the EU is expected within three months from the submission date. However, the feasibility study can start no earlier than around three months after a positive response.
The aim of the feasibility study is to prove that Emotra has the potential to implement a multi-centre clinical study showing that EDOR works when assessing the suicide risk in the target group composed of children and young people up to the age of 20 and that there is a large market for this kind of method. The aim is also to demonstrate the utility of "EDOR Interconnect", a global communication platform, which will facilitate the use of EDOR. It is intended to be used for internet-based communication between clinics in different parts of the world and for Emotra's analytical activities. The idea is that EDOR Interconnect will also include a database in which all patients and test data will be stored. The database will make it possible to check the reliability of the method and to facilitate further research on what the suicide risks look like in different populations.
Broadening the indication range for EDOR to younger people and developing EDOR Interconnect have long- term strategic importance for Emotra and will therefore be conducted in the future. The first activity is aimed at a significant increase in the future market for EDOR. The second would mean significantly strengthening customer relations. In the event that Emotra is awarded a grant from the EU Horizon 2020 programme, this would mean that it will be possible to bring forward this development which would otherwise have to be financed by other means. If no funds are received from the EU, then no feasibility study will be carried out.
The feasibility study will take a maximum of 6 months and if it shows good potential, an application for a full phase 2 study will be submitted. The EU can finance a phase 2 study with up to €2.5M. The EU has decided that Horizon 2020 will focus on small and medium-sized companies that have good potential to contribute to the creation of more jobs, good business opportunities, better health and improved quality of life for the EU population. Emotra's Board of Directors believes that the EU's new focus significantly strengthens Emotra's chances of taking part in the extensive grants awarded for research and development. However, it must be emphasised that many companies throughout the EU market are seeking funding from the Horizon 2020 programme and competition is tough.

For further information, please contact: Claes Holmberg, CEO, telephone: +46 708 25 45 47, e-mail Emotra AB is listed on AktieTorget, and the Company has developed a method - EDOR - of detecting depressed patients who are at risk of committing suicide. Altogether, more than 1,000 patients have been tested and followed up. EDOR has shown a reliability rate of up to 97%. In other words, Emotra's method can determine, with 97% certainty, if a person runs a significantly higher risk of suicide attempt, facilitating decisions about where special suicide prevention measures are needed. EDOR helps the right patients get the care they need.

Emotra AB (publ), Göteborgsvägen 74, SE-433 63 Sävedalen, Sweden

Tel: +46 708 25 45 47,

Emotra AB is listed on AktieTorget, and the Company has developed a method - EDOR - of detecting depressed patients

who are at risk of committing suicide. Altogether, more than 1,000 patients have been tested and followed up. EDOR has shown a reliability rate of up to 97%. In other words, Emotra's method can determine, with 97% certainty, if a person runs a significantly higher risk of suicide attempt, facilitating decisions about where special suicide prevention measures are needed. EDOR helps the right patients get the care they need.

Emotra AB (publ), Göteborgsvägen 74, SE-433 63 Sävedalen, Sweden

Tel: +46 708 25 45 47,

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