In order to promote the business by bringing in management with specific knowledge in line with current business of the Thenablers, Inc., the Board of Directors for the Company, on November 5, 2019, appointed the following individuals to the following positions as officers of the Company: Konstantinos Galanakis to the position of Chief Executive Officer, Theodoros Chouliaras to the position of Chief Financial Officer, Christodoulos Tzoutzakis to the position of Chief Operating Officer, Panagiotis Tolis to the position of Chief Investor Relations Officer, and Panagiotis Lazaretos to the position of Chief International Development Officer. Panagiotis Tolis brings an over 25 years of banking, finance and business consulting experience. Beginning in 1992, Mr. Tolis worked for almost 12 years with Geniki Bank, S.A. in Athens providing portfolio advice for the bank's clients.

After leaving Geniki Bank, S.A. in 2004, Mr. Tolis joined Bank of Cyprus, PLC as Corporate Relationship Manager providing portfolio management for large companies. Panagiotis Lazaretos has over 15 years of international business development professional experience. Since 2017 Mr. Lazaretos has been a Director for Sales Service International.

From 2013 to 2016, Mr. Lazaretos was Regional Director for Field Marketing Services for Adecco Group where he helped launch start up positions in 17 new markets, created a field force of over 2,000 marketers, and met return on investment goals in 3 years. Further, on November 5. 2019, the Board of Directors for the Company ratified an increase in the number of Directors to six. Pursuant to that, the Board of Directors appointed Panagiotis Lazaretos to the vacant seat of the Board of Directors.