In order to promote the business by bringing in management with specific knowledge in line with current business of the Thenablers, Inc., Panagiotis Lazaretos, Sotirios Foutsis, and Theofylaktos Petros Oikonomou shall resign as directors of the Company. A copy of this filing has been furnished to Mr. Lazaretos, Mr. Foutsis, and Mr. Oikonomou, who have provided no written correspondence in response to the filing. There are no disputes or disagreements between the resigning members of the board of directors and the Company. Panagiotis Tolis shall remain as a member of the Board of Directors. As a final act of the sitting board of directors, the following persons shall be appointed to the Board of Directors: Stavros Galanakis is the Founder and Chairman of Elvictor Group, which he founded in 1977. Konstantinos Galanakis is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Elvictor Group. Thoedoros Chouliaras is the Chief Financial Officer for Elvictor Group. Christodoulos Tzoutzakis is currently the Chief Technology Officer of Elvictor Group.