Publicly Quoted Company
CNPJ/MF (Federal Taxpayer Number) 03.983.431/0001-03
NIRE (Identification Number in the Companies Registry) 35.300.179.731


EDP - Energias do Brasil S.A. ("EDP Energias do Brasil" or "Company") (BM&FBOVESPA: ENBR3), public company, enrolled under CNPJ/MF 03.983.431/0001-03, duly registered within Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission - CVM as a public-held Company under the number 418-9, with its head offices at Rua Bandeira Paulista, 530, 14º andar/parte, Bairro Itaim Bibi, CEP 04532-
001, Sao Paulo - SP, for the purposes disclosed in the article 12, of the Instruction CVM 358/2002,
issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission - CVM, informs that in this date, BlackRock Inc. ("BlackRock"), with its head offices located at 40 East 52nd Street, New York, New York 10022-5911, United States of America, investment adviser, which operates in the name of several clients, informed the Company that, from this date, BlackRock holds 24,329,252 (twenty four million, three hundred twenty nine thousand and two hundred fifty two) shares, representing
5.10% (five point ten percent) of the Company's common shares.
As informed on the communication received, BlackRock: (a) states that this interest in the Company's shares (i) does not aim at, or result in, any modification in the Company's controlling composition or managerial structure, (ii) is for investment purposes, and (iii) does not hold share- convertible debentures, (iv) has not entered into any agreement governing the exercise of voting rights or the purchase and sale of the Company's securities.
Sao Paulo, January, 11th, 2013.
EDP - Energias do Brasil S.A.
Miguel Dias Amaro
Vice president of Finance, Investor Relations and Management Control

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