Du Zhenfeng signed a transfer agreement to acquire 40% stake in Suzhou Intimes Technology Company Limited from Guangdong Eastone Century Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300310) for CNY 29.5 million on December 9, 2016. Under the terms of transaction, Du Zhenfeng will pay CNY 9.4 million for 40% stake and CNY 20.2 million for the debt. The transaction has been approved by Board of Guangdong Eastone Century Technology Co., Ltd. on December 12, 2016 and is not subject to approval of shareholders of Guangdong Eastone Century Technology Co., Ltd. Du Zhenfeng cancelled the acquisition of 40% stake in Suzhou Intimes Technology Company Limited from Guangdong Eastone Century Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300310) on December 9, 2017.