Dreadnought Resources Limited announced the results of a surface sampling program completed at Chianti-Rufina which is part of the Tarraji-Yampi Project located in the West Kimberley region of Western Australia. The surface sampling program was completed in late 2019. The program trialed the applicability of ultra-fine fraction ("UFF") soil sampling over the area's black plain soils and adds further confidence to the targets previously defined by magnetic and FLEM anomalies. Chianti was originally defined by Australian Consolidated Minerals in 1972. An airborne electromagnetic ("VTEM") survey flown in 2015 highlighted a conductor beneath the 1972 drilling. in 2019, Dreadnought undertook ground FLEM surveys over a portion of the VTEM conductor which also contained outcropping gossans and historical drilling. The FLEM survey identified two strong EM plates which were then drilled in late 2019 and successfully intersected highly magnetic massive sulphide mineralisation. During the drill program, Dreadnought also identified additional gossans within an interpreted VMS horizon with coincident magnetic anomalies. In addition, further FLEM surveys and a trial of UFF soils were undertaken. Dreadnought has now defined seven FLEM plates with associated outcropping gossans, magnetic anomalies and/or soil anomalies. It is planned that each of these targets will be drilled in the June 2020 quarter, weather permitting.