Undisclosed buyers agreed to acquire 11.4% stake in Drageus Games SA from QubicGames S.A. (WSE:QUB) for PLN 0.19 million on March 20, 2018. As part of the acquisition, QubicGames sold 0.175 million Drageus Games Series A shares for a total price of PLN 0.1925 million. After completing the transaction, the QubicGames will own 0.3 million shares of Drageus Games, which represents 19.48% of all shares in Drageus Games SA. Under the agreements, transactions will be made when the buyers pay the entire sale price, no later than within 7 days from the date of conclusion of sales contracts.

Undisclosed buyers cancelled the acquisition of 11.4% stake in Drageus Games SA from QubicGames S.A. (WSE:QUB) on March 20, 2019.